Submarine Channel

Submarine Channel produced Amos Mulders animated short WORD! – a visual exploration of language in an alternate, post-factual universe. Quotes in the form of tweets by famous philosophers and writers appear throughout the film. Between the evocative urban scenarios that unfolds, the viewer is invited on a seven-minute cinematic journey that interrogates our indissoluble relationship with words.
WORD! is strangely disturbing and haunting in the way that it short-circuits the reasonable mind and taps directly into subliminal feelings of a post human dimension where words are like weird entities, either weapons or autonomous beings. The images are hypnotic, the never seen atmosphere is mesmerizing. It is a true rare creation in the sense of something never attempted before.
Michel Reilac
Watch Amos’ previous short films on Vimeo.
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass
About De Ontmoeting
Word! was made as part of De Ontmoeting, a Dutch initiative that connects upcoming directors with the film industry in The Netherlands. An open call for short film proposals resulted in over 80 submissions. Four production studios and broadcasters, including Submarine Channel, each selected one project. Selected projects received 5,000 euros from their respective producers, provided the creators successfully crowdfunded an additional 5k through the Cinecrowd platform. All four short films premiered at the Netherlands Film Festival 2017.
Follow instagram: @amosmulder