Submarine Channel

Gerard Unger
Legendary type and graphic designer Gerard Unger, regards typography as a language unto itself. From highway signage to the lettering on coins, the work of Unger is all around us.
But the most ubiquitous of all his typefaces, must be The Gulliver. As the lettering used by America’s most widely read newspaper, as well as several national papers on the European continent, it made waves after debuting in 1993, for its remarkable legibility – while remaining ultra space-efficient. As his career develops, Unger’s work becomes increasingly experimental, pushing the boundaries of typography without jeopardizing it’s functionality.
Director: Noud Holtman, Camera: Stef Tijdink, Sound: Benny Jansen, Editing: Casper Sikken, Commissioning editor Submarine: Geert van de Wetering, Production Submarine: Olivia van Leeuwen, Production assistance: Marah Haan, Voice Over: Lotje Sodderland, Music/sound design: Big Orange, Produced by Submarine, Commissioned by DutchDFA.
Dutch Profiles is a series of short documentaries produced by Submarine commissioned by DutchDFA about architects, graphic, product and fashion designers in the Netherlands.
Dutch Profiles focuses on the conceptual, context-oriented and research-based practice of Dutch designers and includes interviews with, among others: MVRDV, 2012 Architects, Jurgen Bey, Claudy Jongstra, Gerard Unger, Paul Mijksenaar, Marlies Dekkers, Alexander van Slobbe and G-Star.