Submarine Channel

Jan van Toorn
Jan van Toorn, born in 1932, is one of Holland’s most influential graphic designers. Opposite to the more self-contained designs of the modernist tradition, Van Toorn is always striving for designs that are open to different ways of seeing…
Van Toorn’s view on the role of design manifested itself clearly during passionate debates with Wim Crouwel, one of Holland’s other great design heroes, and a absolute advocate of pure functional design.
Submarine made this portrait of Jan van Toorn as part of the Dutch Profiles series, a collection of almost 100 short documentaries of the best Dutch designers and architects. This series was commissioned by DutchDFA.
Produced by Submarine, Femke Wolting & Bruno Felix,
Commissioned by DutchDFA,
Commissioning editor: Geert van de Wetering,
Line producer: Janneke van de Kerkhof,
Production assistant: Anjet Blinde,
Research: Liselotte Francken
, Director: Geert van de Wetering,
Camera: Pierre Rezus,
Sound: Benny Jansen
Editor: Geert van de Wetering,
Voice-over: Micha Westera,
Color correction: Maurik de Ridder,
Music sound design: Pastelle Music
, Archief: NTR en Beeld en Geluid