Submarine Channel

David Oreilly wins Golden Bear in Berlin

David Oreilly, the talented young Irish animator and creator of the insanely popular Octocat series won a Golden Bear in Berlin for his brand-new series ‘Please Say Something‘. Oreilly made 25 episodes of this “30 Second Breakneck Heartbreak Uncut Turbodrama” which premiered this month at the Berlin Film Festival.

On his web, Oreilly comments that what honors him most about winning “is that something so small, made on a single computer in my tiny apartment is considered in the context of world cinema.” Can’t blame the jury though. Got to love those deliciously crude jagged edges and pixellated lines. Oreilly: “The technique was using a preview render from 3d software, technically no real rendering took place.. making the process very very quick for 3d”. Oh, and and let’s not forget Oreilly’s talent for dark offbeat storytelling.
Check this nice video interview on Gestalten!


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