Submarine Channel

Eric Zimmerman
Ladies and gentlemen, people of the moving image, you are history. We are history. We’ll be replaced by people like Eric Zimmerman. Reason: the world is moving into an age that is characterized by play, or, as Zimmerman puts it: The Ludic Century. Submarine Channel talked to the prominent game designer during Think, Design, Play, a conference organized by the Utrecht School of the Arts.
Zimmerman lectures and publishes extensively on games, including keynotes at major industry events. He is the co-author with Katie Salen of Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals, the definitive textbook on game design. Zimmerman has taught courses at MIT’s Comparative Media Studies Program, New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program and Game Center, Parsons School of Design’s MFA in Digital Technologies Program, and School of Visual Arts’ Design as Author MFA Program. He has exhibited game artworks at museums and galleries in the US and abroad. Visit his website for all his game activities.
Watch our new profile and learn why games will lay the foundations for a systems thinking that is essential for solving the world’s big problems.
See also our interview with board game designer Reiner Knizia