Submarine Channel

In the beginning of the nineties, a group of young dutch designers was presented in Milaan under the name of DROOG. Their designs were immediately recognized as something new. Anti-glamour, sober yet funny, and all telling a story or commenting on society. For a while, DROOG design even became synonymous with dutch design. Founders of this collective are Gijs Bakker and Renny Ramakers.
Many of the early DROOG designs found their way to galleries and museums all over the world. They became icons, sometimes crossing the line between art and design. One of the very first to acquire them was the museum of modern art in New York.
Since the beginning, Droog has evolved. It has become more of a thinktank under the name of drooglab, which aims to detect global trends in design, and then reflect on those trends from a new perspective.

Droog, a group of young Dutch designers. Founders of this collective are Gijs Bakker and Renny Ramakers.
Dutch Profiles is a series of short documentaries about architects and graphic, product and fashion designers in the Netherlands, commissioned by DutchDFA. The shorts are meant to spread freely over the web, but also to be shown as part of lectures, exhibitions and business presentations. “Dutch Profiles focuses on the conceptual, context-oriented and research-based practice of Dutch designers, telling the story behind some of those well-known images,” says commissioner Christine de Baan, programme director of Dutch Design Fashion Architecture. Dutch Profiles includes interviews with, among others: MVRDV, 2012 Architects, Jurgen Bey, Claudy Jongstra, Gerard Unger, Paul Mijksenaar, Marlies Dekkers, Alexander van Slobbe and G-Star.
CREDITS: Director: Noud Holtman, Camera: Pierre Rezus, Sound: Bram Meindersma, Carla van der Meijs, Editing: Dominique Kools, Kleurcorrectie: Maurik de Ridder, Music Sound Design: Big Orange, Commissioning editor Submarine: Geert van de Wetering, Producer Submarine: Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen, Research assist: Liselot Francken, Produced by Submarine, Commissioned by DutchDFA