Submarine Channel

The designers behind Catalogtree, Daniel Gross and Joris Maltha, collect enormous amounts of indigestible data and transform it into lucid images. These images tell stories that otherwise would be invisible.

In 2006 they decided to portray a highway in their neighbourhood. This resulted in nine silk-screen posters, each portraying a different aspect of the road; such as traffic-intensity, accidents or traffic jams.

The clients of Catalogtree are mostly newspapers and magazines, but in 2010 they designed the graphics for an interactive documentary called Money & Speed made for iPad. Their visualizations superbly explain the shortest financial crash ever on wall street. For this project they won two Dutch Design Awards.

Apart from all their commissioned work Catalogtree also take time to experiment. Inspired by the random patterns in nature they use tiny robots to imitate the behaviour of swarms.

Dutch Profiles is a series of short documentaries produced by Submarine commissioned by DutchDFA about architects, graphic, product and fashion designers in the Netherlands.Dutch Profiles focuses on the conceptual, context-oriented and research-based practice of Dutch designers.

CREDITS: Commissioning editor: Geert van de Wetering, Producer: Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen, Produced by Submarine, Femke Wolting & Bruno Felix, Commissioned by DutchDFA, Research: Liselotte Francken, Director: Jennifer Pettersson, Camera: Wiro Felix, Sound: Steven van Dijk, Editor: Noud Holtman, Colorcorrection: Maurik de Ridder, Music Sound Design: Pastelle Music



Jan van Toorn

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