Submarine Channel

The Making Of (6′) includes behind-the-scenes footage of the making of the fantastic in vitro meat dishes featured in our bistro, including the infamous Throat Tickler.


Meet Bistro in Vitro director Koert van Mensvoort, visual artist Floris Kaayk, future food stylist Francesca Barchiesi, interactive producer Corine Meijers, bio ethicist Cor van der Weele, scientist Mark Post who created the first ever in vitro hamburger, and many others.


Bistro In Vitro - Making Of - Floris Kaayk

Floris Kaayk: compositing work on the Throat Tickler


Bistro In Vitro - Making Of

Meat Cubes of your favorite celebrities


Making Of Credits

Director and editor: Geert van de Wetering
Camera: Niels de Roos


Karin Fong

Mike Hill


Bistro in Vitro


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