Submarine Channel


Wild Scenes


Have you ever heard about Pashtu films? Or Lollywood porn industry? If no, come on board to discover this unique genre and if yes, this Minimovie series might still teach you a few things!

The Story

Until the late 1970s, Pashtu cinema revolved around traditional themes such as romance and heroism. During the 1980s, that all changed. The storylines became less complex, the amount of violence increased, and the curvy actresses became a visual focal point. In Wild Scenes, industry professionals, fans, women, and religious activists answer the question, “What kind of movies are Pashtu films, and why is this genre better known as the alternative Lollywood porn industry?”

About Akram Zadiq

Akram Zadiq (1980) is a freelance journalist who has worked and works for a wide range of both domestic and foreign media ranging from TV and radio to newspapers and magazines. He frequently returns to Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan to do background checks and stories on inconsistent News reports from mostly western media.

Camera: Mudassar Malik
Sound: Zaffarullah Mengal
Editor: Zine Media

About Minimovies

A Minimovie is an episodic documentary consisting of 8 to 10 episodes. Episodes are 7 to 10 minutes each. Put together, they form a self-contained story. With MiniMovies SubmarineChannel explores a new narrative and visual style of documentary filmmaking. You can watch the Minimovies here or simply download them to your digital device of choice.


a SubmarineChannel production in collaboration with VPRO Television and Vrij Nederland magazine.


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The Boy


Tjeerd Veenhoven

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