Submarine Channel

Concept and Drawings: Jan Rothuizen
Concept, Text, Audio and Editing: Martijn van Tol
Concept, Video and Photography: Dirk-Jan Visser
Concept, Interactive Developer and Editor: Aart Jan van der Linden
Interactive Producer: Yaniv Wolf
Interface Design: Christiaan de Rooij
Music, compositions and all instruments: Bonno Lange
Audio and Colour Correction: Joost Wierenga
Additional Video Editing: Thijs Papot
Studio Assistants: Mark Lohmann, Soeraya Siemons
Text Layout: Jorgen Koolwijk
Research: Martin Turner
Project Management Iraq: Michelle Hamers, Nienke Nauta
Interpreter Iraq: Bahmand Osei
Translators: Peshmerge Morad, Rosie Heinrich
PR: Lotte Niks, Yaniv Wolf
Producers: Bruno Felix, Femke Wolting
Co-Production (Volkskrant): Laurens Verhagen
This production was made possibly by: The Non-fiction Transmedia Programme (A collaboration of Creative Industries Fund, Dutch Media Fund and the Netherlands Film Fund), De Volkskrant, Free Press Unlimited Postcode Loterij Fonds, One World, The Creative Industries Fund NL and the City of Amsterdam.
The Wedding Footage: Private collection of Ahmet Pashew
Many thanks to: Mirka Duijn, Bram Jansen