Submarine Channel

Vrij Nederland
Samuel Peperkamp dedicated an article in Dutch magazine Vrij Nederland. (14.12.2017)
Club Hub
Joud, whose portrait is part of Echoes of IS, has been invited on online television program Club Hub (NPO 3) and she also talked about our interactive documentary. (7.12.2017)
VluchtelingenWerk Magazine
Echoes of IS has been featured on the Winter 2017 edition of Dutch magazine VluchtelingenWerk.
De Nieuwe Maan
Weekly Dutch talk-show De Nieuwe Maan shared Echoes of IS on Facebook (30.11.2017)
NPO Radio 1
Echoes of IS presented on Dutch public radio NPO 1. Host: Lara Rense (28.11.2017)
Libelle TV
The portraits of Echoes of IS have been presented on Dutch online television Libelle TV. (25.11.2017)
One World
Article by Rena Netjes on Dutch magazine One World. (25.11.2017)
BNR Radio
Radio interview on Echoes of IS (in Dutch) with interactive producer Corine Meijers and director Tessa-Louise Pope. (16.11.2017)
De Volkskrant
Article by Hassan Bahara in Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant. (10.10.2017)
De DocUpdate
Echoes of IS mentioned in DocUpdate, a newsletter by Helmut Boeijen on the latest news in documentary. (2.10.2017)
De Volkskrant
Hassan Bahara dedicated to Echoes of IS an article in Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant (22.09.2017)
Dutch newspaper NRC dedicated an article to Echoes of IS in its printed edition (22.09.2017)
Fun X Radio
Echoes of IS presented on Dutch radio Fun X. (20.09.2017)