Submarine Channel

Davide Banis
Best of Electric Dreams: Online theater that doesn’t suck
When the lockdown drew the curtain over theater stages across the world, many productions moved online. Soon, platforms like Zoom were brimming with all kinds of plays, from Greek tragedies to stand-up comedies. Some shows were just toned-down replacements of the real deal, others were daring narrative experiments pushing the boundaries of online storytelling. Thanks […]
Top 5 Books To Help You Succeed As A Storyteller
“There is nothing more human than telling stories,” says Tommy Pallotta in the trailer of Submarine’s documentary More Human Than Human, which he co-directed with Femke Wolting. For the final scene of the film, the directors built a robot to replace themselves as the filmmakers, asking the ultimate question: Will AI be better than humans at […]
Fictional places where I wish I could go on holiday
After the long months of lockdown, I really wanted to go on holiday. Alas, travelling during a pandemic is a tricky business. I was about to give up on my vacation plans when I serendipitously bumped into Submarine Channel’s Wondrous Travel Guide 2020, a real treasure trove that gave me at least five great options […]