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Lele’s “Breakfast”
Lele’s “Breakfast”
This new Chunk “Breakfast” is director Sandder’s fourth video for the brand-new band Lele. The art work for the video was done by another band member, who also happens to be one of the hippest illustrators in the Netherlands: Piet Parra. The result of the Sandder/Parra cooperation is an original, funny and raunchy video for a crazy track. Also worth mentioning: the other two band members are Serge Faberge (also known as the rapper from the best Dutch electro-hip-hop act De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig (The Youth of Today) and Rimer London.
Here are some excerpts from the big Piet Parra interview of 29 May 2008:
Piet Parra: “It’s all done in an old school style. Sandder edited the whole thing, but I did the illustrations. Frame by frame. Sandder also took care of the timing, made sure it all matched up with the beats. I would be drawing and after thirty frames I thought, oh well, that’s more than enough, but with that you only actually fill a second and a half. It’s completely crazy!’
“The intention was for this to be a completely original clip. It had to have a personal style and feel. They wanted something minimalist to fit in with Lele’s live shows. The boys had a hard time trying to come up with something new. But they succeeded, in fact they triumphed, and produced an original, funny and raunchy video for this crazy track.”
“We (Lele) make new wave music. Just a little bit of everything, you can’t really describe it. We sit down together to make music and we just have fun together. If there is a magazine lying around that happens to be about boats then we will talk about boats and Monaco and those kinds of things. It’s just random. Every time we get together it’s different.”
The boys “sing’ in English, Dutch, German and French, but don’t let that deter you. Their beats are fun and catchy and the tracks are often easily understood. Especially in the case of their new hit “Breakfast”. All you need to do, is pay some attention to detail and the meaning of the texts quite simply jump out at you.
Last but not least, we asked Piet about the beaks.
Piet: “You draw someone with a little mustache, you automatically think to yourself ‘Oh, someone with a mustache’. But if you have a person with a beak, and they all have beaks, they become generic. A lemming of sorts. All of a sudden it’s more about their posture and the things they do then about their physical characteristics. The text becomes more of a focal point. You can’t really make them laugh or cry either. So it’s always very dry.”