Submarine Channel

Joost Swarte
Placing human behavior in an ironic perspective – that is what Joost Swarte aims for with his drawings. Swarte was part of the seminal 1970’s generation that brought comics to an adult audience. In 1976 he coined the term “Klare Lijn” (clear line) to describe the style that connected the artists who inspired Tintin creator Hergé, as well as those who were influenced by the master himself. For DutchDFA, we made this profile about Swarte who designed the new building for theatre De Toneelschuur, in his hometown of Haarlem.
Besides his comic oeuvre, Swarte is known for his numerous design works, spanning posters… stamps… stained-glass windows… and covers for magazines like The New Yorker.
In 1996 Swarte became an architect too, when he was asked to design the new building for theatre De Toneelschuur, in his hometown of Haarlem.
In 2004 the Palace of Justice in the city of Arnhem, commissioned Joost Swarte to create an artwork. The result was a large-scale stained-glass window in the main hall.
Director: Jasper ten Berge, Camera: Wiro Felix, Sound: Bram Meindersma, Editing: Maurik de Ridder, Music Sound Design: Jesse Koolhaas, Commissioning editor Submarine: Geert van de Wetering, Producer Submarine: Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen, Production assist: Liselot Francken, Produced by Submarine, Commissioned by DutchDFA.