Submarine Channel

This was one of the most spontaneous and fun interviews an interviewer could wish for, especially for me, because I’m into dancing. And guess what we did during the interview?
So, meet Daniels… Two young directors who are both called Daniel and who seem to do whatever the hell they want. You will admire and envy these little brats for the very cool stuff they’ve already made. Their music videos and other shorts are all characterized by a very violent and playful kind of physical humor – the kind that little boys would come up with. Except they get to work with very grown-up bands, like the Shins, Battles (on 2Pause), Foster the People (on 2Pause) and Tenacious D, to name just a few. Joy!
We got to meet the boys in Amsterdam at our very own Playgrounds vs Submarine Channel Festival. After delivering a very inspiring talk about their work, we caught up with them in one of the lobby’s of the theater. One of the Daniels told us about a method they use on the set after a long day of shooting. “When everybody is super tired and stressed out after such a long day, we dance it off. On set.” Oh you guys…