Submarine Channel

Safety First
Safety First
The Safety First MiniMovies explore the indirect effects of 9-11 on our lives after entering an airport or traveling at ten thousand feet.
The Story
In different episodes stories are told of people who are screened for hours in interrogation rooms, dragged from air planes and held in jail for days before they are told it was all based on a mistake. Extreme times demand extreme measures. Safety First illustrates the collateral damage of extreme measures and shows that people under these circumstances are not always who they say they are.
About the creators
Documentary filmmaker Robert Oey (1966) has directed films such as Toxic (1999), What’s Eating Serbia (2002), Wonderland (2004) and The Swimmers (2007). Robert Oey is also a still photographer and currently working on a photobook on Haiti.
Camera and sound: Robert Oey
Editing: Chris van Oers
About Minimovies
A Minimovie is an episodic documentary consisting of 8 to 10 episodes. Episodes are 7 to 10 minutes each. Put together, they form a self-contained story. With MiniMovies SubmarineChannel explores a new narrative and visual style of documentary filmmaking. You can watch the Minimovies here or simply download them to your digital device of choice.
a SubmarineChannel production in collaboration with VPRO Television and Vrij Nederland magazine.