Submarine Channel

Forget the Film, Watch the Titles
Watch the Titles
Let’s face it, everybody loves a good title sequence.
Launched in 2006, Watch the Titles was the world’s first online resource dedicated exclusively to the art of title design. The website features over 120 title sequences, articles, interviews, and ‘making ofs’, and a series of mini-documentaries about title designers. The site will relaunch in 2019 with a brand-new design.
Video interview with title design legend Kyle Cooper
You know what they say about first impressions…
The very best title sequences not only succeed in putting the audience in the right mood for the movie, they transcend their proper function and venture off into the realm of something far deeper and far greater. They can be signifiers of contemporary pop culture and an art form in their own right. Just look at the impact of, for example, Kyle Cooper’s title sequence for Se7en that has left an indelible mark, not just on film design and motion graphic design, but on contemporary visual culture as a whole.