Submarine Channel

2Pause is improved! 5 Reasons Why You’re Gonna Love it
2Pause is improved! 5 Reasons Why You’re Gonna Love it
Ok, tamper your expectations. The new site looks exactly the same as the previous website, but the architecture behind it has had a complete makeover. Here’s what’s new and improved:
1. Take 2Pause with you everywhere you go
Flash is out, WordPress is in! That means, goodbye slow loading times and farewell to incompatibility. 2Pause is infinitely faster to load. Plus you can now access our capriciously curated music video collections from your tablet and smart phone from where ever. I say, ‘Jay!’
2. Interviews and Stories
2Pause now features a dedicated section with director interviews, Making Of stories, and insightful articles on the future of music videos.
3. Tags
Under each video you’ll now find a series of tags. Use them to browse the site by subject. Or you can use the Search field to look for artists or directors, or (best we think) use browse our themed collections like Psychedelic, Lo/No budget, and Nordic Wave for a more ‘curatorial’ experience.
4. Unlimited Playlist Entries
Drag and drop an unlimited amount of music videos into your personal playlist. Then share your selection with friends or foes via your fav social media platform.
5. Interactive Music Videos
Seriously, this category deserves a whole reason of its own for visiting 2Pause. We’ve got it covered where it comes to chronicling interactivity in music videos. After all, it’s the future of music videos!
Enjoy our improved 2Pause and let us know what you think of it! And guys, do bookmark/like/share/digg/stumble/read/watch/tweet/facebook us. And then some…