Submarine Channel

Game Art in Hilversum Museum
Game Art in Hilversum Museum
Museum Hilversum and guest curator Alan Boom, in collaboration with Submarine Channel, organized the first small scale museum in The Netherlands about Game Art.
It’s Art in the Game
April 14 – July 1, 2012
Museum Hilversum
Kerkbrink 6, Hilversum, Netherlands (Bing map)
One might sense a certain hesitance among Dutch museums, especially small ones, when it comes to creating exhibitions on the topic of ‘gaming’. Museum Hilversum would like to break with this taboo and become one of the first smaller museums to explore the domain of gaming within the arts. From artwork based on games and games that are positioned as pieces of art, to the actual art of making games.
After more than 50 years, the game industry has become one of the largest entertainment industries in the world. Nowadays multiple creative disciplines represented by graphic designers, musicians, filmmakers, screenwriters and programmers are developing the most diverse kind of video games. Games are influencing our daily life, deal with social issues and form an growing source of inspiration for artists.
The exhibition, ‘It’s Art in the Game!’ will highlight various contemporary artists and will be a showcase for an international selection of art games by renown artists such as Joost van Dongen, Pippin Barr and Jonakin Hunter. The exhibit also features the three games that were developed as part of Submarine Channel‘s and Stedelijk Museum‘s ‘A Split Second’ project, FLX., Styleclash and Sollmann.
Strange Attractors Design, winners of the ‘Jury Prize’ and ‘Gold Award’ of the European Design Awards has been commissioned to design the identity as well as this 3 level exhibition and to bridge the gap between the museum’s historical vault and its contemporary ambitions.
Review: It’s Game in the Hilversum Museum by Bashers (in Dutch).