Submarine Channel

2Pause: New DouDouBoy and John Deneuve Promo

Doudouboy is a French illustrator and animator whose mysterious short Magic Lantern Deluxe (here on Vimeo) was featured on the Best of Submarine Channel DVD.

FFWD> to 2011. 2Pause features Doudouboy’s latest music video, “made together with my girlfriend John Deneuve,” Doudouboy writes in an email. (John is not a boy. We checked).

“She’s an artist who does contemporary art drawings and performances, whereas I’m from the illustration-animation-design sphere, so we had to define an expression space where both of us would feel comfortable. That’s how we started speaking about animation pioneers and experiments. People like Len Lye…”

“We talked also a lot about kinetic op art, the beginnings of computer graphics… We wanted the video to suggest these wonderful times. Not in a documentary way, but in a very living way, that resembles us, and our taste for nonsense and sensuality.”

“John has a musical project called Cancan, and this track Lemon in Sexxx was just perfect for the video we wanted to make, with her sensual lyrics and the nice downtempo, as well as the instrumental by Fred Berthet marrying old school disco and futuristic sounds in a clever way, it was just a pleasure!”


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