Submarine Channel

Generative Music Sites
These interactive generative music sites can leave you feeling surprised, delighted and strangely ‘art-satisfied.’ The experimental interfaces of these websites approach the interplay of digital sounds and visual arts in a completely innovative way. This is art. But the pedestal it deserves is nowhere to be found… We filtered out the 5 best expressions of […]
Interactive Projects
If you’re a sci-fi adept, you probably believe that singularity is drawing near. Predictions vary though; sci-fi writer Vernor Vinge thinks it will occur in 2030, whereas futurist Ray Kurzweil estimates we have until 2045 until AI will exceed human intelligence. At least until that time, we’ll still be in control. And if we do […]
Crowdfunded Interactive Initiatives
When creating an interactive thing of art, it’s not always easy to get your next masterpiece funded. Thank the old gods and the new for Kickstarter! More and more interactive artists discover it as a way to crowdfund their work. Submarine Channel presents five of our favorite interactive art projects funded by the crowd. Watch […]